March 24-28, 2025
Spring Sharathon
It costs $330 each day to keep Faith Music Radio on the air—$330 to reach the lost with the Gospel, to encourage the believer with powerful, positive programming, and to fill homes with the best in traditional gospel music.
Would you consider making a pledge of support to Faith Music Radio?
April 25-26, 2025
FAITHful Ladies Daycation
Ladies please join us for a wonderful time Down on the Farm! Our speakers this year will be Francie Taylor of Keep the Heart Ministries and Loretta Walker the Editor of Christian Womanhood magazine.
Early Bird Registration is from January 13 - February 17, 2025. Get $5 off by registering early!
Available Now
Devotional Books
What Do I Have to Lose? Losing my way and finding God's by Janice Wolfe is a 100-day 2-book devotional set from the Loser Bible Study Series that has been featured during eleven2one with Janice.
Books 1 and 2 are available to purchase as a set or individually at the link below.